Goals: Do We Really Need Them?

Top Reasons for Setting Goals

This is it folks – The last week of 2016!

I hope it was a good year for you and your business. This year was a great year for our clients, and we are very happy to be instrumental in their success. This year was also a great year for Fractional CMO and I want to, once again, thank you for your trust in us

As business owners and managers, we must plan for the new year. And part of planning for the new year means setting goals and formulating our actions to achieve them. The question is, do we really need to set goals?

Here is what goals can do for our businesses:

  • Goals propel us forward
  • Goals help break an overall BIG and seemingly insurmountable objective into smaller actionable goals
  • Goals help direct our resources, including our team, more effectively and avoid confusion
  • Properly formulated goals help us measure success objectively and make it possible to adjust our actions, if necessary
  • Goals make us accountable

Clearly, goals are important. To make sure our goals are not just ‘wishes’, or worse – ‘dreams’, they should be stated clearly and objectively.

One true-and-tried practice of stating goals is the S.M.A.R.T. method of setting goals. There are slight variations of this method, but here is a quick reminder on how to state your goals according to S.M.A.R.T.:

S – Specific
M – Measureable
A – Attainable
R – Relevant
T – Time-based

May your goals be SMART, and may you meet them all to make 2017 your best year ever!

If you need our help, Fractional CMO is always here to answer questions and help you with anything marketing-related.

Happy New Year!

Duke Merhavy, MBA, Ph.D.
President & Chief Marketing Officer

What Is Fractional CMO?

Hiring a full-time CMO (Chief Marketing Officer) is often not cost-effective for most small-to-mid-sized businesses (SMBs). We offer SMBs senior-level expertise, experience, and a holistic marketing approach, on a part-time basis for a fraction of the cost.

Fractional CMO is dedicated to your success, and our mission is to turn your vision into reality. Click on the short explainer video to the right for a quick explanation.

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