News, Updates, and Information You Need

Fractional CMO & Marketing Newsletter – June 2024

When running a business, we often focus our attention and energy on the day-to-day activities. We concentrate on acquiring new customers, delivering our product or service on time, quality control, cash flow, irate customers, managing our teams, etc. We leave planning and deciding about corrective measures for the third or fourth quarter… and sometimes not at all.

happy meter

Fractional CMO & Marketing Newsletter – December 2023

Most of us reflect on the past during this time of the year, and so do I. Fractional CMO & Marketing is about to start its 9th year and I am filled with gratitude for our staff and our clients. Our dedicated team works tirelessly every day to help our clients meet their goals, and often to surpass them. Our clients are incredible, and we are very grateful to be working with them.


Fractional CMO & Marketing Newsletter – September 2023

In some respects, it feels like the year is moving along rather fast. Soon, we will enter the fourth quarter and the last sprint of 2023. How is your business performing compared to the goals you set? Does your marketing deliver the results you were hoping for? Are you leveraging the full potential of your email marketing, your social media, your website, your blog, your podcast, and everything else at your disposal?

Top Ten Reasons to Hire a Fractional CMO with an Outsourced Marketing Department

Fractional CMO & Marketing Newsletter – June 2023

Over the past several months, AI (artificial intelligence) has been in the news constantly. Without getting into the philosophical implications of AI’s potential domination of every aspect of our lives, I wanted to share what AI means for marketing currently and in the very near future.

AI artificial intelligence in marketing

Fractional CMO & Marketing Newsletter – September 2022

An asset is a thing of value, and often highly guarded and regarded. In business, assets are expected to pay dividends in a form of return on investment (ROI). Most assets require care and maintenance to keep them in good shape to justify the investment and continue to pay dividends.


Fractional CMO & Marketing Newsletter – July 2022

ABM – The Ultimate Collaboration Between Marketing & SalesAccount-Based Marketing, or ABM, has gained popularity over the past few years in B2B (Business-to-Business) marketing efforts. In practice, it is not a new concept, and many companies have been engaged in the practice for years. ABM...

Fractional CMO & Marketing Newsletter – June 2022

Triggers and The Buyer’s JourneyA few years back, I wrote about the process that leads to the buying decision from the seller’s point of view. This is often called the ‘Sales Funnel’ and it was conceptualized in 1898 by E. St. Elmo Lewis. In my article, I argued that “The Sales Funnel Isn’t”....

Fractional CMO & Marketing Newsletter – May 2022

Who Wants to Buy My Widgets?We all wish we could sell our ‘widgets’ - whatever it is that we offer - to everyone in our respective markets. For most small and medium-sized companies, this wish is impossible to achieve because going after every potential customer is not feasible due limited...


Fractional CMO & Marketing Newsletter – April 2022

Is Email Marketing Still A “Thing”?Recent studies have shown that email marketing is still the primary method used by marketers to promote brands and products, especially in B2B marketing. This is not to say that the pursuit of other efforts as part of the marketing mix are gone, ineffective,...


Fractional CMO & Marketing Newsletter – March 2022

It is our responsibility – as business owners and managers, and especially those of us in the marketing discipline – to offer our customers what they need. Sometimes, however, we get caught up in our own ‘worlds’ and we think we know what our customers want, or worse yet, we think we know what’s best for them.

Fractional CMO & Marketing Newsletter – February 2022

How Mobile Are You?It’s no secret that we all use our mobile devices dozens of times a day. In fact, studies have shown that everyone spends more time on them than ever before, and more than half of website traffic comes from mobile devices now! Do you know what devices your website visitors...

Fractional CMO & Marketing Newsletter – December 2021

During 2021, it seemed like most businesses focused on reestablishing and even redefining themselves after 2020 was so chaotic due to the pandemic. Challenges were plenty, and included managing distributed workforces, hiring and retaining quality employees, and competing for customers amid their changing purchasing habits.

Fractional CMO & Marketing Newsletter – November 2021

As I shared last year, Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday for several reasons which I mentioned at that time. I do believe - strongly - that we should be thankful for all the blessings bestowed upon us every single day, and we should show gratitude to all and for all who are part of our journeys.

Fractional CMO & Marketing Newsletter – October 2021

Effective Marketing Should Not Be a Struggle!Over the years, we have worked with many small and medium-sized companies. The most common challenge such businesses face is limited resources – including funds, personnel, time, and in-house expertise – to accomplish all the things they want to do....

Fractional CMO & Marketing Newsletter – August 2021

In the business world, we often define companies as either ‘business-to-business’ (B2B) or ‘business-to-consumer’ (B2C). Though the distinction is important, it strictly refers to transactions. When it comes to marketing, we want to have a broader perspective.

Fractional CMO & Marketing Newsletter – July 2021

You may think it’s crazy… but hear me out. We all learned some valuable lessons over the past year and a half, and we all do business and make purchases differently now. The digital tools at our disposal have ‘shrunk’ the world and made distance and geography almost irrelevant for many businesses.

Fractional CMO & Marketing Newsletter – June 2021

So, It Begins.Although somewhat timidly, things around us are starting to relax. In-person meetings are being scheduled, customers are coming in, training classes are held with groups of people, and trade shows are practically everywhere again.We all learned a lot over the past year-and-a-half...

Fractional CMO & Marketing Newsletter – May 2021

You started your own business or climbed the ladder to a leadership position because you are passionate about your profession. You probably saw an unmet demand in the market and thought you could meet it better than anyone else. And through it all, you worked your butt off to stay competitive, stay in business despite all adversities, and your business thrives.

Fractional CMO & Marketing Newsletter – April 2021

The Marketing Silver BulletWouldn’t it be great if you knew what that one thing is you can do to market your business better? Of course, it would! If you could focus your resources on the one marketing effort that would deliver the results you need and eliminate all others, it would be more...

Fractional CMO & Marketing Newsletter – February 2021

When planning the growth of your business and revenue, you have four basic marketing strategies to consider and pursue. Sometimes, the choice is relatively clear or dictated by marketing condition; though there are times when all four approaches must be carefully weighed before the course is chartered.

Fractional CMO & Marketing Newsletter – December 2020

What Does “Post-COVID” Mean? ​All of us get many holiday greetings and good wishes for the new year. Practically every single one of them mentions how terrible 2020 was and how everyone can’t wait for the year to be over. Sure, this year was certainly horrible in many ways, but there was a lot...

Fractional CMO & Marketing Newsletter – November 2020

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. It always has been. I like how inclusive and inviting it is because it does not ‘belong’ to any one religion. Thanksgiving often brings out the best in people, it celebrates positivity, its traditions are uplifting, and it is so very American!

Fractional CMO & Marketing Newsletter – August 2020

Well-run companies take the time to evaluate and plan - most do this once a year, some more frequently than that. It is a particularly good practice to take a step back periodically to assess where you are, set goals, and put plans in place to reach them.

Fractional CMO & Marketing Newsletter – July 2020

Every now and then, I come across a business owner who tells me, “We don’t do any marketing!” or “We can’t afford marketing”. They are not necessarily proud of it, and most say they wished that were not the case. Upon further conversations and an occasional thorough Marketing Needs Assessment, it becomes clear that they do engage in marketing activities… they just did not think they were.

Fractional CMO & Marketing Newsletter – June 2020

When circumstances and technology intersect, beautiful things can emerge. In the world of business, consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic have been mitigated time and time again with smart technology solutions. One such solution is virtual trade shows.

NOT The Same-Old COVID-19 Email

Undoubtedly, like the rest of us, you have received dozens of COVID-19 related emails from your bank, credit card company, mortgage company, grocery store, your eye doctor, kids’ school, online retailers, and many more.

Fractional CMO & Marketing Newsletter – February 2020

A Seat at the TableOver the years, I worked for and worked with companies that missed huge opportunities because the people at the helm misunderstood the role of ‘marketing’ in their business. Sometimes, the marketing people and their skills are viewed as a ‘service’ only, and all they are...

Fractional CMO & Marketing Newsletter – September 2019

An engine is a machine with moving parts that converts energy into motion. Marketing is very similar in that it is made of moving parts that must work smoothly and in harmony to generate motion. In marketing, that motion generates leads and moves them along the buyer’s journey.

Fractional CMO & Marketing Newsletter – August 2019

You may have read that studies show people do business with those they know, like, and trust – We believe this is true. We see how top salespeople go out of their way to inform their customers and work tirelessly to make them like and trust them.

Fractional CMO & Marketing Newsletter – October 2018

Empathy and The Art of Marketing An important part of what ‘marketing’ does is educating and persuading. Marketers always point out needs or pain-points, and then illustrate the merits of their products and how well-suited they are to solve those problems. Have you ever seen a promotion for a...

Fractional CMO & Marketing Newsletter – September 2018

How to Budget for Marketing ‘Simple’ and ‘easy’, are not necessarily the same thing. Running a marathon, for example, is very simple – just put one foot in front of the other in succession… but it is not easy to do this for 26 plus miles! One of the most common questions we hear from business...

Fractional CMO & Marketing Newsletter – August 2018

Too Much Marketing Mark Twain said, “Too much of anything is bad…” – This is true for marketing, as well! I recently met with a very smart and experienced new business owner, and I asked her (as I ask all new clients): “What do you perceive to be your greatest marketing challenge?” Her answer...

Fractional CMO & Marketing Newsletter – June 2018

Out With The Old, In With The New! But Should I Get A New One or Just Fix It? Marketing materials are perishable. One cannot assume that just because they were created once, they will remain effective and appropriate for ever. I once met with a new client who did not understand why he needed to...

Fractional CMO & Marketing Newsletter – May 2018

Our Love Hate Relationship With Marketing Email marketing has been around for a long time, and we all have love-hate feelings about it. When all is considered, email marketing is still a great tool for both marketers and consumers. And judging by how much it is still being used, there is more...

Fractional CMO & Marketing Newsletter – April 2018

The Most Powerful Marketing Tool It has been said that “word-of-mouth” is the most powerful marketing tool out there, and we concur. However, what exactly is word-of-mouth and how do we get it? Simply put, word-of-mouth is when someone who is not being paid by you tells others about how great...

Fractional CMO & Marketing Newsletter – March 2018

Don’t Waste Your Resources on Trade Shows! You receive an invitation to exhibit at “the industry’s premier trade show” – you know, the one you can’t pass up. And now, you try to decide if investing thousands of dollars, if not more, will pay off. Exhibiting in a trade show should not be “just...

Fractional CMO & Marketing Newsletter – February 2018

Are Keyword Rankings Still Relevant? As marketers, we used to make many decisions based on keyword rankings and, collectively, billions of dollars are spent on SEO and digital advertising based on them. You may want to rethink this strategy! Slowly but surely, changes made – most notably by...

Fractional CMO & Marketing Newsletter – January 2018

Random Acts of Marketing In last month’s newsletter, I urged you to “Plan to Plan Your Marketing Plan”, and provided seven important items to consider when doing so. Well, it is time to actually do it – It is time to make a decision about what you want to accomplish in marketing next year, and...

Fractional CMO & Marketing Newsletter – December 2017

Who Needs Marketing in a Booming Economy!? Regardless of your political leaning, certainly we all can agree that our nation’s economy has been on an upswing lately. From low unemployment rates to high GDP, and record-breaking stock market performance, practically all indicators are encouraging....

Fractional CMO & Marketing Newsletter – November 2017

Random Acts of Marketing In last month’s newsletter, I urged you to “Plan to Plan Your Marketing Plan”, and provided seven important items to consider when doing so. Well, it is time to actually do it – It is time to make a decision about what you want to accomplish in marketing...

Fractional CMO & Marketing Newsletter – October 2017

Plan to Plan Your Marketing Plan Fall is the time of year when business owners and managers should start planning for next year. By now, you should know with a high degree of confidence, how the year will end, and focus your attention to what’s next. Your marketing plan is an...

Fractional CMO & Marketing Newsletter – September 2017

Fractional CMO Is Now Fractional CMO & Marketing Today marks an important milestone in our firm’s growth. I am excited to announce three new things which are the result of our growth, and the extraordinary acceptance in the marketplace to our ‘fractional’ concept: New name...

Fractional CMO Newsletter – July 2017

‘Hit-and-Run’ Marketing Events Organizations participate in a variety of marketing events, such as conferences, trade shows, and speaking engagements, just to name a few. These events are part of many marketing efforts, and they can be very beneficial. However, if you have ever worked on a...

Fractional CMO Newsletter – June 2017

Fake Likes and Click Farms For years, many businesses and their respective marketers coveted “likes”, “shares”, and “followers” more than everything else. Millions of dollars and countless hours of meetings and planning sessions were devoted to capturing more...

Fractional CMO Newsletter – May 2017

Marketing is a Contact Sport  Ultimately, the purpose of marketing activities is to create or identify qualified leads. And by qualified leads, I mean people who are interested in your product or ideas, or whatever it is you are marketing to them. To do so, marketers devise all...

Fractional CMO Newsletter – April 2017

The Hidden Danger of Buzz Words and Empty Phrases  The first and foremost goal or communication is to convey an idea, and only then impress. However, often times the communicator gets the two confused. These people are so focused on impressing the reader (or listener) their words...

Fractional CMO Newsletter – March 2017

360 Degrees Marketing  Some companies are fully engaged in marketing efforts. However, other companies just have a few people engaged in marketing. There are also some companies that still wonder exactly what marketing is. Even companies that fully engage in marketing efforts and allocate...

Fractional CMO Newsletter – February 2017

The Often-Untapped Revenue Stream You already have the best salespeople you could ever ask for – Your Customers! Assuming you provide outstanding products and services, your customers can refer others to you… but they must be ‘recruited’. If you have been in business for any length of time, you...

Fractional CMO Newsletter – January 2017

The Marketing Formula: Recently, I gave a talk to a group of entrepreneurs on the topic of names and slogans, as they relate to both companies and brands. As we were exploring some notable branding successes and some miserable failures, I couldn’t help but notice some uneasiness on...

Fractional CMO Newsletter – December 2016

Goals: Do We Really Need Them? Top Reasons for Setting Goals This is it folks – The last week of 2016! I hope it was a good year for you and your business. This year was a great year for our clients, and we are very happy to be instrumental in their success. This year was also a great year for...

Fractional CMO Newsletter – November 2016

In this issue: Did You Get Enough To Eat? What is Fractional CMO Marketing Lingo: “Customer” versus “Client” Featured Client: Management One Would you like to be a Fractional CMO? "So, Did You Get Enough To Eat?” Top 10 Reasons to Follow Up Have you heard this question enough times over the...

Fractional CMO Newsletter – October 2016

In this issue: Thank Your Customers What is Fractional CMO Marketing Lingo: "Value Proposition" Featured Client: Print & Imprint Do You Have What It Takes to Be a Fractional CMO? Thank Your Customers As we get closer to the end of the year, we tend to reflect. One of the things we all think...

Fractional CMO Newsletter – September 2016

In this issue: Tips for Getting More Out of Your Trade Show Marketing Lingo: “Buyer’s Journey” Common Small Business Approaches to Marketing Leadership What Is Fractional CMO Do You Have What It Takes to Be a Fractional CMO?   Tips for Getting More Out of Your Trade Show Fall is a season...

Fractional CMO Newsletter – August 2016

In this issue: Not All Marketing Tools Are Expensive Marketing Lingo: “Slogan or Tagline” What Is Fractional CMO Do You Have What It Takes to Be a Fractional CMO? Are Old-School Silos Negatively Impacting Your Company's Harmony and Performance? Not All Marketing Tools Are Expensive!   As a...

Fractional CMO Newsletter – July 2016

Do You Know Frugal Frank? In this issue: Do You Know Frugal Frank? Marketing Lingo: “Brand and Branding” What Is Fractional CMO Branding - Its Legal Tending and Protection Example Persona: “Frugal Frank” Male 40-45 years old College degree Earns about $60k annually Purchasing...

Fractional CMO Newsletter – June 2016

One Size Fits All Marketing In this issue: One Size Fits All Marketing What Is Fractional CMO The Incredible Shrinking Business Plan Featured Client: Print & Imprint Marketing Lingo: “Value Proposition” We all know that when a garment is advertised as ‘One Size Fits All’, it...

Fractional CMO Newsletter – May 2016

The Sales Funnel Isn't We all know and use the classic sales funnel that was conceptualized in 1898 by E. St. Elmo Lewis. It describes the customer journey from the moment a brand or product attracted his or her attention to the point of action or purchase. St. Elmo Lewis’ idea is often...

Fractional CMO Newsletter – April 2016

Is Fractional CMO Right for Your Business?   These days, it seems like businesses are outsourcing as many roles and functions as they can. From human resources and payroll to IT, small to medium-sized businesses are learning that they can get a better value when they opt to bring in...

Fractional CMO Newsletter – January 2016

The Sales Funnel Isn’t  funnel (noun) A tube or pipe that is wide at the top and narrow at the bottom, used for guiding liquid or powder into a small opening. We all know and use the classic sales funnel that was conceptualized in 1898 by E. St. Elmo Lewis. It describes the customer journey...

Fractional CMO Newsletter – August 2015

Fractional CMO Mentioned In Forbes Magazine At the end of last month, Forbes Magazine published an article about the concept of the “fractional CMO”. Kimberly Whitler, the author, was discussing the “growing trend” of companies hiring “outsourced”, “part-time” or a “fractional CMO” because they...

Insight Marketing Research Opens an Office in Scottsdale

Insight Marketing Research Opens an Office in Scottsdale The Firm Supports Marketing Teams Nationwide   Scottsdale, AZ, July 15, 2015 -- Insight Marketing Research announced today the opening an office in Scottsdale, Arizona. The firm provides marketing research services to organizations...

Why Call Insight Marketing Research Today

10 Reasons to Call Insight Marketing Research Today By Ginger Mace, Marketing Consultant Sales numbers are stagnant, or worse – dropping, and you are not sure what change in the marketing mix will make the most positive impact You are considering an adjustment to your branding, but not certain...

6 Myths About Marketing Research

Marketing involves making decisions regarding hundreds, and sometimes thousands, of variables. As a marketer you have to consider branding, pricing, distribution, customer needs, product quality, reputation, competition, and many more. Marketing research, done right,...

What Is Marketing Research Exactly?

Have you ever wondered what marketing research is exactly? If you have, you came to the right place! The short answer is that marketing research is research related to marketing activities and for the purpose of providing intelligence for future marketing activities. The...